The NIA's Advisory Committee includes representatives drawn from a diverse range of backgrounds including academia, environment, climate, policy, communication, regulation, nonproliferation, and other categories.  Members provide input at the request of the NIA Board of Directors or Executive Director.  Members may be asked to review and provide feedback on NIA policy proposals and reports but do not set NIA policy. Unless otherwise specified, advisory committee members are serving in their personal capacity and do not represent their institutions. Affiliations are provided for identification purposes only.


Jason Albritton 
The Nature Conservancy
Farah Benahmed 
Breakthrough Energy
Jacopo Buongiorno
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Anna Fendley
United Steelworkers
Adam Forni
Jason Herbert
Dairyland Power Cooperative
Arthur Dwight Hyde
Segra Capital Management
Marilyn Kray
Energy Consultant
Jessica Lovering
Good Energy Collective
Sasha Mackler
Bipartisan Policy Center
Sam Mar
Arnold Ventures
Ian Philp
Spitzer Charitable Trust
Rich Powell
Clean Energy Buyers Association